The CCAT Earthen Oven:

An Engineering 305 Project.       

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Planning & Prep
Materials Gathering
Formula Testing
Oven Floor
Sand Form
Thermal Layer
Straw Slip Layer
First Firing
First Patchwork
Work to Come
Next Time...
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        Have you tasted delicious, mouth-watering, earth fired, organic pizza from CCAT's earthen oven or have you ever had that perfect piece of homemade clay-baked bread? Or maybe you helped build this earthen oven, or one of your own. Any way you have it, you took a look into this earth oven stuff and now you're hooked with interest or maybe you never heard of earthen ovens before. Well we've developed a 14 step program just for you - to walk you through the life of our earthen oven from inception to currency*. We'll take a look at the materials we needed, the planning and plotting and the fun we had building it and continue to have with it.



Our intention is to educate you on our earth oven building experience, showing you what we did, and suggesting what you might not want to do should you decide to build one of these yourself.

Our oven was built using the book Build Your Own Earth Oven by Kiko Denzer as a resource. We followed much of Denzer's advice and even used some of the plans suggested in the book.

Read on and discover about earth ovens and the process we went through to develop such a permanent feat.

*Right now there's only 9 steps published, just enough to get you to really want to read the rest when it comes out.


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