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August: At the end of August, the 305 project was first discussed in class. During this time I thought about the various options from which I had to choose for a project. My original idea had been to do some sort of rainwater catchment system. However, after hearing about the work that was needing to be done on the cob bench, I decided that this would be the better choice. In a class I took the previous semester, I had a chance to work with cob and thoroughly enjoyed it. I knew that it would be fun and enriching to continue this type of work, and a cob bench project would be a great opportunity to learn more about natural building.
September: Project proposal and project budgets were turned in during the beginning of the month. In mid September I first talked with the CCAT Co-director about the bench. They were a great help and resource; they helped me to get started on the project and gave tips on where I could go to collect supplies and materials. I did some background research about building with cob and collected supplies and materials in the community. Sand bought at this time cost $20 and glass cost $5. At the end of September I started making my first batches of cob and applying them to the bench. Towards the end of September was also when the actual 305 class got a chance to spend a lab day working on the bench.
October: All of this month was spent making and applying cob. I also began to incorporate bottles into the bench. Volunteers also came and helped me to make cob on a few occasions. They were both students and community members interested in natural building. Sadly, a few days were very rainy and I had to postpone making cob. The project update was turned in at this time.
November: This month was also spent making cob and applying it. I also spent a great deal of time making adjustments to parts of the bench, such as the back. I also began and completed the middle arch of the bench and put in the two windows. First work on the web page also began.
December: During December the web page was worked on with a rigorous and sometimes apprehensive pace. Also, this time was spent in search of lime plaster that could be used in the spring by other students, who could finish the bench and plaster it. I also put all the mirror, glass, and seashells together in a central location at CCAT for use when the plaster is put on. And, of course, finally I cleaned up a semester's worth of mess from the project. This included putting excess sand in storage, cleaning muddy traps, and sweeping. This final web page project was also turned in on December 10th.