Fruit Trees


While I was working at the APC, Fruition, out of Stanford, CA donated a variety of about 50 fruit trees. Many of the trees were planted in the community garden (#3), while others were planted in the common spaces between the houses (#1). Some of the dwarf varieties will be espaliered on thin wire strung between two posts. This trains the trees to be two-dimensional, rather than allowing them to branch out (#2).
These trees provide several functions besides aesthetic beauty and delicious fruit. It gives the staff of the APC a chance to talk to the residents and children about how fruit grows, the care it needs and how to identify the different varieties and species. There was a nature walk scheduled in late April to talk about the newly planted fruit trees.

1. fruit_trees_in_common_space
2.. espalier
3. fruit_trees_in_garden
Herb Spiral Worm Bins Fruit Trees Children's Garden

